Of course you did.
I'm a real working girl now. With my own desk. And computer. That means that I can blog again! About pointless things! Hoorah!
To celebrate, let's have a nice stolen picture from JustJared.
This is essentially what brought me back.
Above you see Kellan Lutz, aka Emmett ''My Monkey Man'' Cullen from Twilight, making kisses with AnnaLynne McCord, aka some chick from 90210 that isn't Darcy from Degrassi.
I like this photo collage because it is very cinematic. It looks like a scene from a movie, where someone is hiding in the bushes taking pictures of someone he is going to kill. But really mostly because I think it is really creepy that AnnaLynne is making eye contact with the camera, and that made me stare at it for a long long time.
Anyone else wondering what could be in that box and why she would be carrying it herself? Anyone else find themselves fixated on her bony feet and shockingly bright toenails?
Anyone else out there?