Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Famous By Association!


(Here is a picture of Alex on a gold lion when we were on our trip to Narnia. Actually, we were in France, but Singapore is the lion city so it's kind of relevant, right?)

Miss Sexy Lexie won the singtel grid girls shizz, so she is officially the first of our generation to make it big. Not physically, I won that contest many years ago. Anyway, read it here.

Lex - both my Dad and Aunty Olive are dead impressed that the moolah is going to your mother.

Also, while looking for an awesome awks picture, I was reminded how great our trip to France was, when we got to stay in awesome hotels and eat great food and shop and not spend any of our own money. Here are some highlights:

Alex and I fight crime.

Don't let the modelly-model face fool you, is actually just lusting after hot chocolate.

And the ultimate fav...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey moozy thanks! That was a very funny post. Also kinda cool cos I spoke about our france trip in an interview I did recently. Here's the link!


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