Friday, May 16, 2008

Mister Steak, you're my only friend.

If only I had a steak.

I am being serially abandoned by my loved ones (neighbour boy (nb from heretoforth), mels bells, rach, other neighbours, now rona...) (and those that do not abandon are studying for SATs but not really, just MCATs). As such, I will probably be blogging constantly, so as to keep in touch with the outside world.

Here is a little update on life:

-Have stolen NB's mattress/mattress pads.

-Bed now looks like a double layered strawberry cake with mocha cream sticking it together. Or ash.

-Spent a very long time at FedEx trying to send NB his computer. Was adopted by a random Mexican lady (who probably thought I was pregnant).

-In a random spurt of domesticity, have done $15 of laundry, including NB's sheets/duvet.

-As usual, have run out of steam and will probably leave my clothes on the floor.

-Am contemplating selling my old textbooks online. Seems like a lot of effort.

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