Monday, October 15, 2007

Fatting Around

So, my guilty pleasure as of late has been Food Blogs.

Here's my current fav: La Tartine Gourmande.

From what I gather, she is a food photographer. An AMAZING food photographer. And, she has all these little anecdotes to go with the pictures and recipes. And some of it is in French! But always with translations so don't worry, you don't miss out.

(I just stole that from her portfolio... hopefully, she won't sue me.)

Makes me wish I had photography talent and also that my 10 years of French classes had taught me more than "Je m'appelle Shaun" (even though my name isn't Shaun).

But beware, reading food blogs is a double-edged sword. You are almost guaranteed to get hungry from it and then go foraging for snacking food, thus ensuring that you will never have a flat stomach and legs that don't wobble when you breathe. You also get grocery-envy, a dreadful disease where you are suddenly taken with the desire to make whatever you are reading about only to realize that you don't have any of these ingredients/have all except the critical one, and it's 2am so Ralph's is closed, and even if it was open the produce is nowhere near as nice as what it could be if you had a car and could drive to a better supermarket... and you have no money anyway.


Anonymous said...

AHAHA. legs that don't wobble when you breathe. AHAHAHA. hilarity

Anonymous said...

AHAHA. legs that don't wobble when you breathe. AHAHAHA. hilarity

Anonymous said...

AHAHA. legs that don't wobble when you breathe. AHAHAHA. hilarity


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