From Bruce Beresford's Josh Hartnett Definately Wants to Do This Film ...
So yea. I'm sure you'll all take this to heart.
4 pretty great chicks having a sleepover (this one gets 5 stars for greatness)
Ok I'm bored now. Really, the last one is the best. And the sleepover. :) People are effing INSANE.
So, it seems that The Bitch Posse (the orig American title...) has a whole lot of the author's life in it, which is pretty interesting. (She's mostly Rennie, the fallen-from-grace valedictorian, I think. But probably lots of her in the other characters too. Also doubt her friends killed her ex lover.)
(SPOILERSSSSSSS) Other than that... the whole Bitch Posse thing was cute because it's something I think that all girls go through, having a gang (somehow usually of 3...) that you can go to for anything. I mean, they were a little drastic, I'm not sure that I would take the blame for killing a man alone so that Adelle and Su could run free. On the other hand, I'm almost certain that Adelle and I wouldn't decide that it was a great idea for the 3 of us to get revenge on Su's teacher lover by pretending that he would get an awesome night with 3 underaged chicks and then carve his wife's name into his chest and then accidentally kill him. But if we did accidentally kill him, I think we'd still talk afterwards.
So, I'm cleaning up my room. Find one of my old notebooks, with some french crap in it. Also, 3 pages of Dom's journal.
"Bored, staying at home doin nothin. I love looking through my sis things, i got a page of her diary but its really BORIN too. "
What an ass. So in revenge, HA! All over the internet.
"I really wanna go to dat international school ting. dere will be girls + boys... together!!! Hope their HOT!"
I'm actually really concerned with how shitty his spelling and grammar is. Was. Hopefully it's better now.
Here is the golden nugget:
"Today needed to shit really badly in school, but held it. from bout 9:15-3:00. felt so bad sia."
2 good movies you can watch on the plane:
Ratatouille - For delish food and a cute french chick Oh ok, and some good old happy feelings etc. Brad Bird is kind of amazingly talented.
Goya's Ghosts - For historical settings/costumes (Spain during Napoleon's time), Natalie Portman and that scary man from No Country For Old Men (Javier Bardem)
This article says that facebook has almost 5000 pictures. I'm pretty sure they're missing a 0, or several, because I have 400 tagged of me not taken by me, and I probably have like 600 in my albums, and there is no way that there are only 10 people like me posting pictures. I don't even post that many.
So, I know calorie counting is disgusting and horrendous, but sometimes I can't ignore the math...
1 chocolate orange = 230 * 4 = 920
1 jar of pickles = 5*8 = 40
therefore, 1 chocolate orange = 23 jars of pickles.
(I dont mean I eat them all at once. Except I totz do.)
Spotted: Angry Banana outside Leavey Library pretending/trying desperately hard to be a cool fratty. Seemed to be planning some sort of (promo?) event at the 9-0 with small group of Greeks, which he thinks will be huge. I have my doubts. Also regaling Greeks with drunken tales such as "he was sooo wasted!!"
So, you know how I used to laugh at Rona all the time for meeting men on MySpace and Hot or Not (or worse, ?
The Ugly: Robin Williams's red hair and piercings. Freddie Highmore's fake old man hands.
Some things were confusing too: How did Freddie get so good so quick? How did Felicity know the baby was a boy if she was all kinds of knocked out? How did JRM know that it was his kid on stage? How were there no sex scenes and barely any kissing? How come JRM was wearing a shirt all the time? Where can I get me a JRM?
And again, I was reminded how hot it would be to be someone's muse and get a great song written about how much someone loves you. Particulary if said someone was as hot as JRM. You think he can't get much better looking, but really, put him in a leather jacket (y'all know I love the leather jacketed man...) on stage with some other hot men, and wow wow whee.
Yay or Nay? Yay to all girls, because you can't miss JRM. Yay to people who are big music fans. Nay to guys bringing a girl on a date coz she's gonna find you disappointing after this movie. Nay to groups of guys, because even a group of 3 girls spent a great deal of time saying "this movie is really gay."
Here's a shirtless pic. I think he's hotter in the movie, but really, why not right?
So, my brother seems to be living Love Me If You Dare.
There's something a little ironic about spending Thanksgiving in Sin City, even if it is with a friend's families.
Him: Amanda, I fall in love with girls and fall out of love with them when I realize they aren't interested in me.
Me: I fall in love with boys and fall out of love when they are interested in me. Which is why I love jerks.
Him: No, you love jerks because you are a girl.
So let's say, all girls think like me and all boys like he.
Null Hypothesis: I am happily in love and loved back.
Reject null because: If I love a boy, and he loves me because he sees that I love he, then I will fall out of love with him because of the Me clause.
I just got really confused as to why my love life is not happening, but I've found the fallacy: Clause He only works if he has already fallen in love with me, that he would see that I love him and thus not drop me. (But I'd drop him).
It's too late at night for these types of mathematical theories.
But it does explain how guys get over things so fast.
My computer has trojans. The irony is not lost on me. (For those of you that don't know, we are the USC Trojans over here...)
As such, I am left rather internet-less and moping around the house with nothing to do but eat and watch tv.
I am typing this standing up at a computer terminal in the School Of Business. It's a little like being at an airport, but without a chair.
But here's what I wanted to update with yesterday:
I was looking particularly ravishing yesterday morning (read: actually really ugly and definately just-rolled-out-of-bed). So who should I run into but the Trifecta of Good Looks?
First, I bump into Stephen's Golden Boy. And of course he engages me in a longer-than-usual conversation. Then, it turns out that he is hanging with My Handsome Handsome Man of last semester, who joins in the conversation. Of course. Meanwhile I am self-consciously wishing I had bothered to wear more than a dykey black t shirt. So, we have our bitter-sweet parting (Sweet because then they can stop looking at my frumps, bitter because I love both of them...) Then, naturally, after pretty much ignoring each other for 2 years (that's not ENTIRELY true, but it might as well be), guess who finally says 'Hi' to me? None other than Hayden Christianson Lookalike, crush of my freshman year.
And you know, up until recently, 2 of the 3 were deeply in love, but it seems their girlfriends have chucked them. I don't know how they could do that. In the words of Manny from Degrassi: If it were me, I'd love you for months...
Really, the only way it could have been worse/better is if I had seen Fireworks-and-Competitions and the Fox.
The Good: Everyone was pretty good looking. I don't usually go for the 30s hero type, but they were all pretty hot. But more importantly, it was HILARIOUS. Who knew people in the 30s were having affairs and talking about sex and drinking all night all the time? And implying that they swore (Grandma says: I haven't said 'darn' in 20 years...")? Shouldn't they have been focussing on things like the great depression? Great characterizations. Women were pretty independent, lots of great parodies (watch for the Englishman).
The Bad: Well, okay, the plot wasn't the MOST original, but that's ok. Back in the 30s it might have been.
The Ugly: Some of Joan's clothes were hideously marred by strange big bows and nun-habit bibs. Also, her hairstyles weren't very sexy.
Yay or Nay? Yay. Come on guys, it's a classic. And I think it would appeal to both men and women. So there.
If a guy was cheating on a girl, then decided to chuck her, what would he say to her to make the break up seem like her fault?
Tobey: I know. I just can't help looking. What is that?
Jen: What is what?
Tobey: That stupid fantasy you have where the guy who broke your heart suddenly realizes he's made the biggest mistake of his life, and he finds you? Wherever you are, he comes running up to you, and he says, "I can't live without you. You are my entire universe, and if you don't take me back right now, I will never love anyone again." Where's this fantasy come from?
Jen: Movies. Television. And that little place in your heart that harbors hope.Plot: Bartleby (Justin Long aka Geeky kid from Ed aka Geeky kid from Dodgeball aka Nearly had sex with Britney in Crossroads... haa, bet you forgot that one!) fails at life. Well, not really. He just doesn't get into any colleges. His parents are hugely disappointed, so he makes up a fake school that he 'got into'. Then he actually has to make the fake school, and it turns out the fake website has been accepting other kids (Acceptance is just one click away!) who are also college-rejects. They have barrels of fun doing their not real classes while trying to foil the principle of a real college who is trying to destroy them so his school can buy the land.
The good: The script was hilarious, if a little slap stick. It was nice because unlike most college humouresque movies, there weren't any gross-out laughs, mostly just puns and entendres and injuries and stupid people. The characters were great, I especially liked that there was a girl called Rory who didn't get into Yale, I am convinced it's a hidden Gilmore Girls reference.
The bad: Love interest (Blake Lively aka Serena from Gossip Girl) has terrible acting and was really kind of a downer in all her scenes, and her giggle gets annoying. But at least she was pretty and had some cute outfits. Also, the plot was a little predictable. Alot predictable.
The ugly: The best friend (Jonah Hill aka Superbad) was looking particularly fat in this movie. And he was kind of an ass in the middle.
Yay or nay? Yay. Definately yay. I might even say buy the DVD, it seems like something you could watch often, you know when you're sitting around watching funny college movies as I'm sure people do. I mean, it isn't academy worthy or anything, but it's a nice feel good thing.
That is, 100% Waterproof Mascara from Rimmel.
Why, you ask?
Last night, I went to the sauna. It was like 3am, so I had my 'owoot tonight' face on. Sweated buckets, got really dehydrated... yet somehow, remained completely streak free. Amazing. I woke up the morning after with cotton mouth, a pounding headache, and wonderful thick lush lashes.
I guess I shouldn't be so surprised since it's all 100% waterproof, but I never really thought that was true.
Today, after a really really long time, I finally worked out the pin to my voicemail box and cleaned it out.
Msg one was telling me that someone had tried to get into my voicemail with the wrong pin 3 times only minutes before (er, that would be me...)
The next msg was from January 2006. Yes, it turns out that I haven't known my pin since freshman year. So here's some return msgs.
Dear Kris, thanks for all the offers of rides to work.
Dear Melissa, why aren't you eating lunch with me, you beeyotch!
Dear Shaun, I think you sat on your phone.
Dear Jake, Cool, see you downstsairs in like 2 minutes.
Dear Isaac, woohoo, the exams are over, time to party!
Dear Aunty Olive, okay, I'll check my email.
More like Failure to... Failure. Sorry. The wit ran dry half way.
Premise: Tripp (Matthew McConaughey) lives at home with his parents. They want to be free to have sex so they hire Paula (Not Deen. Sarah Jessica Parker), a professional child-kicker-outer, to convince him to get out. Supposedly by engaging in a romantic relationship with her, these live-at-home-losers are given the self-confidence they need to fly the coop. And while it's meant to be purely professional on her end, this is also a romantic comedy, so naturally they actually fall in love for realz.
The Good: Everyone but the 'couple' were pretty hilarious. Also, I'm in love with Zooey Deschanel who played SJP's kinda goth roommate. She's cute. She's also been in a ton of shit but not as anything particularly significant to my life. Now that I think about it, she kind of looks like Marion Cotillard, another fav. And her man friend (Justin Bartha) was too cute to have not been in anything else (er other than National Treasure, which really, he shouldn't be showing off about....) Kathy Bates was in this too ( as Rach said: 'Hey look, it's the Unsinkable Molly Brown!')
The Bad: The Main Couple - The Acting, The (lack of) Chemistry, The Likability. Seriously, at no point did I think either of them was actually attracted to one another. Also really terrible was M McC's little subplot about how he is not in touch with nature so a bunch of normally really peaceful cute animals have to show their really badly puppeteered teeth and bite the shit out of him. Such as the dolphin which dragged him around by the ankle, and the lizard which sniggered after he fell off a mountain. Yeaaa...
The Ugly: SJP's scream. You may have heard it on Sex and the City, and it rears it's skwaky head all over the place in this one. Baaad times.
After much thought, here are my current options:
1) Find Sugar Daddy. May have to try my hand at, see if I can find me a silver fox who wants to spoil and pamper me/ make sure I am not living in a cardboard box.
2) Sell Screenplay. My main problems with this are a) finishing a screenplay b) that screenplay being commercially viable c) finding an agent d) finding someone who will buy it.
3) Turn Holding Cell Into Brothel. A plan which has been discussed between Rona and I on several occasions, on account of us already having a red light in the window. However, if we can't even get people to take it when it's free, how will we ever get to charging?
4) Sell Eggs. May have to lie about sinus problems ( I have a cold) and exzema (I was camping and accidentally rubbed poison ivy on my inner elbows) but other than that, I should be good right? Alternatively, I could invest in chicken eggs and then actually sell eggs.
5) Find Illegal Work. If millions of illegal immigrants can do it, I guess I can too. But this is definately a last resort.
As a child, Ned discovers he can bring dead things/people back to life by touching them. Except they die if he touches them again. And if he doesn't touch them again within a minute, someone else has to die instead. Now, 20-ish years later, Ned lives his life with as little human attachment as possible. His day job is owning a pie shop. His night job (except it always seems to be in the day too) is talking to corpses for a minute, solving their murders and claiming the reward.
Pie-lette: (isn't that cute?? because of the pie shop?)
A girl's body washes up, there's a $50 000 reward on finding the killer. Ned and his partner decide to go for it. The victim turns out to be Ned's next door neighbour as a kid - his first (and only) kiss. Unable to bare letting her die (again), he lets the minute pass. Now there's three of them solving her murder.
I didn't do that very well.
But it was AMAZING. SOOOO good.
The thing that stands out most is the style. It's really vibrant, bright and just generally surreal, which is a great way to deal with the premise because it sort of makes it seem like it's in a different world... helps suspend the disbelief, you know?
I read a comment that compares they style with Amelie, which I can see, but it was a little bit more satirical. Reminded me of Love Me If You Dare... and a little bit of A Series of Unfortunate Events.
So, watch it for: Style. Romance. Ned (He's cute in that dorky kind of way.) Hilarity. Irony (as in, English humour is often referred to as Ironic). General uplifting.
Don't watch it if: You feel dramatic and solemn.
1) Had I not been waiting for fish to cook, we probably would have been in the store at the time the crime went down.
2) Had we been in the store, we would probably be in the fresh produce section.
3) I spent my recovered money at Ralphs... was this a warning??
Rory and Logan are an amazing couple.
They're right up there with Max and Liz, Joey and Pacey, Derek and Meredith, Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston...
Anyway, here is what I took away:
-Logan's family didn't like Rory because she wasn't of good breeding, and wanted to be a career woman, and wasn't bred for it.
-Therefore, in order to catch a Logan, (or be what the fam wants I guess) don't you have to catch a man by like soph. year so that by senior year you can be engaged so you never have to work?
-Which means you probably need to be in a sorority so you can be exposed to all these eligible bachelors. This is probs a generalization but ...
-Which means I fail.
But what I did appreciate:
-Even Rory gets ignored.
-Her hair is really cute.
So here is the real life lesson:
How to use Rona's straightening iron in the bathroom instead of going to Math in order to tame my hair into Rory's season 6 hair.
Aries: You're about to come into some extra cash, but be careful how you spend it. Using it all now would not be wise
This evening, I got my bank statement. It had 2 overdraft fees for no reason (er actually my cheque had a hold on it blabla) so the lady waived them and now I have $40 more.
But I must not spend it.
Soo... the verdict?
It was orrite.
The first 39 minutes were kind of dull, some good hilarious lines but really just everyone feeling sorry for themselves. However, the last 2 minutes were definately the kind of tv gold that made everyone fall in love with Grey's in the first place. I think I wont say more so that it isn't a big spoiler, despite me loving the whole spoiler biz.
Somehow, I have a big problem with Meredith's sister. She's really annoying. First off, stop flirting with McDreamy (and Derek, stop flirting with her.) (oh and stop trying to steal Meredith's life/all her friends. AKA George.) Secondly, stop choosing the most inopportune times to introduce yourself to people (like when they're running out to meet an ambulance). Third, stop looking like (a brunette) Claire Danes. I might like her if she grew out her hair.
And really, that's all I have to say on the matter.
Oh except I thought everyone (other than like Callie O'Malley and Stupid Sister) was looking very attractive today. They sort of lost their glow for a while, but Meredith's hair looked nice and Izzy looked all glowy eyed, and even Christina had some cute curly pigtails going on. George looked hot. Erm, Alex, not so much.
And if you feel like a good read to tide you over til next thursday, here's one. (Be sure to regard and fall in love with the first picture.)
AND DUBS-TEE-EFF, JASON BHER IS MARRIED??! TO some SLUT from Private Practice???? Uh, you might remember him as the love of my life, Max Evans from Roswell. He also used to date Izzie Stevens, aka Isabelle Evans on Roswell. (uh yea, incest?)
Ok now that's really it.
What it's about: Some posh prep school in New York and all the glam underaged drinkers that go there. As seen through a blog written by Anon (aka narrated by Kirsten Bell aka Veronica Mars).
The story so far: S (aka Blake Lively aka Slut Soccer Girl from Sisterhood Of The Travelling Pants) is back from boarding school, she's kind of perfect except her best friend hates her and her brother tried to kill himself. But at least all the boys like her, right?
Good for: Ridiculously good looking people. Amazing clothes. Constant drinking. Some eating - cupcakes and a grilled cheese with truffle oil mmmm. Nice production/lighting.
Good or bad?: Sex scenes. Or implied or almost ones. There's a good scene with S (for Serena. Cool people have not only dropped their surnames but also anything in lower cases.) and B(see?)'s boyfriend, Chase. It's lit nicely, and they are quite funny and making some very dirty analogies. I'm undecided as to whether this is good or just the CW trying to be edgy. At least they aren't saying things like "IDK, my BFF Rose?"
Characters all look a little familiar somehow.. B is definately some sort of Rory Gilmore-Summer-Hilary Duff type Hybrid, and S's Mom could pass for Kirsten.
Bad for: Seems a little formulaic. A little TOO OC. Coz S's mom used to be dating someone else's Dad back in the day or something. Some of the lines, really not that well written : "Oh my God, that's Chuck's scarf!" How do you know that? You've been away all year. And even if you have on the off chance noticed him wearing that at school, how did you even know to check the roof when the party is down stairs in a dark club where I'm sure there are plenty of dark corners for horny teenagers to take advantage of.
Yay or Nay?: Yay if you're bored, or just in one of those moods. Nay if you want to see something mentally stimulating.
And USC has our own little version, obvi, since we live and breathe Hollywood. Except ours sucks and is clearly only interested in people from AEPi (the Absera brothers in every post... really??) and a couple from the Greeho. Which I would be fine with if only they were a little more detailed with the gossip rather than "so and so standing on the corner. Why is he standing there?"
I mean, I could do that too. Especially since I'm such a nosy cow. For example:
"Mick Partridge spotted today telling Heather Post that he couldn't go to her invite on Friday. Why Mick, what are you doing instead?"
I'm hoping no one that knows them is reading this. It's just an example.
It would be really great if our one had pictures. I would worship it.
I'm just a little bit too fond of alliteration.
Anyway, it's 3 am but thanks to a midnight coffee run by Mom and a post-coffee Del Taco run by Dad, I am sufficiently caffinated enough to be buzzed all night not doing work. Woo woo.
So instead, I am looking up how to make sangria.
We've done this before, but it was sour as all hell. From using lemon concentrate.
This sangria isn't actually one that I made, it was one consumed in Cabo. But I took the pic so that counts for something right?
So here's how it's gonna go down:
1 part orange juice
1/2 part gin or maybe brandy.. we'll see.
2 parts red wine.
Zinfadel, or Merlot, some recipes say. In this case, it's Franzia. We're classy like that. (Does Franzia even have a type of grape? Or is it just a hodgepodge of leftovers?)
And er, some chopped apples and oranges and maybe a few grapes for good measure. Actually, we have some frozen grapes in the freezer, those would make pretty cute ice cubes huh? Then it won't dilute the drinks. Anyhoo, they can all hang out in the 5 million plastic pitchers left over from the big 2-1.
So far, confirmed:
Waiting on:
The boys from 5
Probs some other peeps
Do you even care? Probs not. But that's cool.
However, I am finding recipes difficult to decide on. I'm making 3 different ones, Seafood (coz that's the real deal), chicken (because I like chicken) and veggie (coz Rach and Mom are anti-animal).
So, just to keep my thoughts in order, here's what I'm going to do:
Diced onion
Chopped tomato
Diced red pepper
Diced yellow pepper
Chopped parsley
Frozen peas
Med grain rice
Chicken stock
Olive Oil
Salt n pepper
Fillet talapia, cubed (and salted)
Squid, ringed
4 large prawns (not shelled)
some muscles.
Chicken parts, cubed (and deboned) (and salted)
Green beans
Canned artichoke
White beans
Coat the bottom of the pan in olive oil. Heat. Fry onions and garlic, then add bell peppers. Add paprika. Add chicken/seafood (minus prawns and muscles) /raw (ie not canned) vegetables.
(I'm debating adding Sofrito but it looks like a bit too much work)
Add chicken stock. Let simmer. Add rice. Add canned tomatoes/ other vegetables that you left out. Add saffron. Give it all a good stir. Let simmer for say... 10-15 minutes. Arrange seafood nicely on top.
Oven it for... 15 minutes?
Sprinkle some parsley on top, slice a lemon in half or mebbe into quarters and put on side or on top or whatevs.
Done :)
We hope.
Next up: The sangria I will try to make.
PS. To the person who asked: I loved James in Last King of Scotland and thought he could have been nominated for supporting if only Forest hadn't stolen the show.
To be honest, I didn't like it. Which is really surprising because I generally love animated stuff. Well I mean it was cute and fun, but nothing I'd want to add to a DVD collection or anything.
Good for: One liners. Hilarious Southern dwarf accents. Little kids (though there are a few raaather adult in jokes). Hilarious Andy Dick voice. Possibly Krunk as the handsome prince. Remembering that Freddie Prince Jr is still alive. Remembering that he's still married to Sarah Michelle Geller. Uncle Rumpy the baby stealer.
Bad for: Main princess (who is not actually a princess... it's Cinderella...) looks like a 12 year old boy. She then gets her hair done and it looks EXACTLY THE SAME except with a tiara. Lots of unoriginal stuff that channels other cartoons (2 little guys like Pain and Panic from Hercules, for example. Narration like the Emporer's New Groove. There's more, you just have to spot it.) Some other stuff.
Actually, not a very good movie. Kind of meh and unremarkable... But at least Anne Hathaway was not annoying or overbearing, so that was nice. And her 'brother' was hot.
It's pretty effing impossible, but addictive. I can't get past level 2.
I had this presentation for class today... I went all kinds of early, so I could get a coffee on the way. But of course, the rule of the white shirt applies: If you are wearing a white shirt, you will get a leaky lid.
So now, the shirt is kind of brown. Which is kind of really irritating because I JUST did my laundry.
Aries: Be careful how you talk to members of the opposite sex this week. What you think is just kidding around, they might interpret as serious flirting.
Is that a promise?
Tagline: Ancient Venice. Or pretty old, the 1500s anyway. Victoria Franco (aka Tres Pretty Catherine McCormack) falls in love with her bee-eff-eff(aka Moira Kelly aka Mom in One Tree Hill)'s older brother (aka Rufus Sewell aka Bad Guy in both A Knight's Tale and also Tristan and Isolde). Unforch, he can't marry her coz she quite frankly is not that rich but he is, doesn't that suck? So instead, her mother teaches her the old family way of being a courtesan.
Good for: Boys that like pretty girls showing off their boobs (assuming you get the R version). Boys that are in the mood for crying. (Actually, why am I saying Boys? That's terribly sexist, and this film is sort of a woman's lib thing. Hell, girls that like boobs can watch it too.) Sex scenes, clever rhymes, a good cry, a renewed belief in love, a handsome older brother, a random handsome man in the court scene, pretty dresses, Denny's father from Grey's.
Su will love it, Sonia probs because it's like one of her romance novels but er real, Adelle when she's in a sappy mood, Sam probs not (actually having said that, there is one great scene where a peacock gets abused, so maybe just for that...), Nick should watch it with Lianne, Bev maybe because it's based on a real person. Does anyone else read this? Doubt it.
(HA HA I just found a GREAT review (and by great I mean it got a C)... from
For those of you lucky enough to get NetFlix, you can press 'watch it now' which is actually a pretty amazing tool.
For those who are not, go rent it. Or, get it here.
Based on the book:
Sorry this is so full of (interrupted) sentances.
1) What is the worst thing a guy could do to a girl?
2) What would make a guy regret dumping her?
3) (ie) How can she get him back?
Now before y'all get all excited and hoo-hah she's been ditched, this is for a screenplay. But obviously I have no idea about questions 2&3 so I was hoping for a little input from the people I love/love me/ mostly Nick and Drei (only because of the male-ness. anyone else, id love your helpses too)
The night is dark (as nights go)... the road is sorta shiney and wet. A man walks towards an accident scene, the lights from the police sirens reflected on his face.
He gets closer. His wife is pinned between the hood of a car and a tree. The sheriff wants to talk to him. She cracks a joke about not going anywhere.
They can't get her out. Her body has been severed by the car and once they move the car she'll die.
Does anyone else remember this scene?
Me: Her hair was long.
Rekha and Rachana simultaneously: ANd blonde!
Me: It was the opening of a movie!
But who was it?
Melissa: Dennis Quaid?
Me: Tom Hanks?
Rach: Bruce Willis?
It got to the point where I could swear I was lying on the couch with Rona watching it some time last year.
Rona didn't remember.
We still had no clues. IMDB searches of the afforementioned leading men left us blank (although I was convinced it was Sleepless in Seattle). So we start the random searches : Man sad wife dying tree. Top 100 Romance Modern Romance Movies.
Melissa: When we find out what it is you have to Netflix it because it was so good!
Eventually one of these searches got us to Scary Movie 3, which revealed... "bisected wife, pinned to a tree by a car and spitting up a spark plug."
Murmurs of "oh..." and "really?" and "that wasn't that great."